Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sri Lankan Dhal Curry තෙල් නොදා හින්දපු පරිප්පු කරිය...

Dhal curry is a traditional Sri Lankan dish that everybody love to have with their meals. This's the very first recipe i learned from my mother and really happy to get an opportunity to share with you all today .  Watch the above video to know the steps of making this delicious and nutritious curry while reading the written recipe below .



1)Wash the lentils in several changes of water until water is clear . Usually it takes 3-4 washes.

2)Discard the water well .

3)Transfer the washed dhal into a little bit larger saucepan .

4)Add Fenugreek seeds ,thinly sliced onions ,sliced green chilies ,Maldive fish ,curry leaves ,pandan leaves , crushed garlic ,chili powder and turmeric .Mix well while adding 2 cups of water until all the ingredients are well combined.

5)Place the saucepan on high heat and cook the dhal closing the lid until all the water has been evaporated .

6)Add thick coconut milk and a pinch of salt . Give a good stir with the help of a spoon .

7)Cook again on high heat without the lid , until the liquid dries off . ( Bear in mind to check the taste of salt and add more, if required before the curry becomes dry. )

8)Transfer the curry to a serving bowl and allow it to cool . Serve this delicious dhal curry with the white or brown rice.

*** Now if you are interested ,let's learn the ingredient list in Japanese too ...

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